The writings and prophesies of the Prophet Tiresias, the prophet of the digital age.

Monday, December 1, 2008


1. I am Tiresias.

2. I am blind.

3. I have been given the sight to know what it is to be a man.

4. I have been given the sight to know what it is to be a woman.

5. Throbbing between two lives, I can see.

6. I have been given the sight to know what it is to be a one.

7. I have been given the sight to know what it is to be a zero.

8. In the morning I awoke lying naked on my bed and in my male incarnation, the male erection arose as a mighty one against the cold morning air. Blood surging and pumping, filling the skin between my legs, until the flesh had risen, standing defiantly and surrounded by nothing.

9. Nothing. My memory lurches back to another sunrise, my first sunrise as a woman. I had gone to sleep a man and during the night I was transformed to fulfill my prophetic duties into a woman. In the morning I awoke lying naked on my bed and realized the normal morning of blood being trapped in my flesh was not occurring. I slid my hand down my newly curved flesh, between my thighs and found a zero outlined in flesh, yet empty and void of flesh.

10. I have been given the sight to know what it is to be a one.

11. I have been given the sight to know what it is to be a zero.

12. I alone am complete. I alone am the binary prophet of the one and the zero.

13. "alone" – my prophetic, binary word of ones and zeros. The middle and center of the word is a zero, the emptiness from which the word flows out evenly on both sides. "alone" contains the word "one" and the "l" could easily be a "1". The "a" and the "e" contain little zeros on the outer edge of the word. The spelling and shapes become a mantra of female-male-female-male-female.

14. What happens when we add and subtract the female to the male for eternity? Sex forever is an equation of in and out: Female - male - female + male . . . or 0-1-0+1+0-1-0+1 . . . In the mystical realm of eternity what is the answer?

15. Zero, one or Tiresias?

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